Monday, December 19, 2011

[faded brights 3]

again, not so fast;
prepared, colors fade into honest thoughts of themselves-
pastels propelled, tired clouds collecting into a sky of
something …
something protected, or maybe even forever.
the weather,
drifting dark into light-
i am traveling through daylight
and fading into a forgiven thought of myself-
shades faith and days we love;
i float along lines of reflective pieces
and welcome the will of the next season. ~

Friday, December 16, 2011


theres a sadness in the backdrop to the stars, tonight;
a wetness in the paint – something less finished than i’d like.
the stars, at least, are still stars -
oiled light for midnight, and they burn
and almost seem to blur in a hope- -
God if i could have the strength to cope and know
that tomorrow will come, anyhow. ~

Friday, December 9, 2011


my family and i, we call it moving mountains. these are the things we can do with faith. not knowing just what it is we’re moving but trusting and being able to actually feel the power in the movement. faith can be so big that God would even allow a person to see a glimpse of what they’re really doing. i’m not there but my imagine runs wild. with my faith i am free to dream. ~

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

[from now]

could have been something you thought of,
could be deja-vu.
finally, it took so fast
getting it all out of you.